Current as of 20 Jan 2022

Terms and Conditions


Comercializadora e importadora Vikingos is a simplified stock company constituted in accordance with Colombian law, identified with NIT 901647739-1, domiciled in the city of Medellín at Carrera 55 # 46-42., who for the purposes of representatives Terms and Conditions of use of our web platform.

Business Associate: Natural or legal person that exhibits, offers, and markets products and/or services through the Web Platform, so that they can be acquired by Users/Consumers.
Personal Data: It is all information that allows to identify or make identifiable a natural person.
Web Page: Through which Commercial Associates exhibit, offer and market our products and/or services so that they may be acquired by Users/Consumers.
Independent Distributor: A natural person who, freely and voluntarily, as a representative of the Users/Consumers, accepts the management of the requested orders.
Owner: Natural person whose Personal Data is subject to Treatment.
Treatment: It is any operation or set of operations on Personal Data, such as collection, storage, use, circulation or deletion.
User/Consumer: Natural person who, as final recipient, uses our website to acquire the products and/or services exhibited, offered and marketed by Vikingos Commercial Associates.

When our User/Consumer registers on our website, they voluntarily accept, express and inform the content of these terms and conditions in their entirety.

Our web platform of the Vikings Marketer and Importer, through which you can connect to business partners, b. Users/Consumers, c. Independent homes. Thus allowing the purchase, marketing and display of our products.
Taking this into account, and by virtue of article 53 of Law 1480 of 2011 and the Guide for the protection of electronic commerce consumers, issued by the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce, Vikingos is a marketing and import portal.

Refrain from transferring the validation data of your account on the website of the distributor and importer Vikingos to third parties.
Inform Vikingos marketer and importer in a timely manner of any unauthorized use of your account within the Vikingos marketer and importer website.
Have sufficient funds for the payment of the orders managed by the platform, abide by our payment methods and request help if necessary authorized by the Vikingos marketer and importer.
Have under support all consignments made to bank accounts authorized by the Vikingos marketer and importer as a guarantee of payment.
The User/Consumer must read the shipping policies, exclusivity and all those that are necessary for the proper development of the purchase in detail. (The marketer and importer is not responsible in the case of having problems outside of the already established policies)
Refrain from establishing relationships with Independent Distributors and/or Business Associates to carry out illegal activities and/or contrary to morality and good customs of the Vikingos marketer and importer.
Refrain from impersonating the identity of other Users/Consumers
Refrain from using the website to carry out acts contrary to morality, law, public order, and good customs of the Viking marketer and importer, Independent Distributors, business associates, and/or third parties.
Make sure that the order data (products, delivery address, among others) are correct before requesting it.
It is strictly prohibited to carry out conduct that threatens the website of the distributor and importer Vikingos.
Use respectful language for our collaborators.
Receive the products purchased through our website in the data duly verified by the transport company selected at the time of placing your order.

The legal representatives of the Users/Consumers who are minors expressly declare that they have authorized the latter to register on the website of the Vikingos marketer and importer, understanding that they are responsible for the use of the page by the Users/Consumers. Underage consumers.

When making a purchase through our website you are authorizing the expenses (Value of the product, delivery fee, etc.) which are found in the SHIPPING DATA session (Verify that everything is under control and the data entered is correct) Then and once you have verified again, go to the PAYMENT PORTAL button.

Provide the User/Consumer with clear contact information that allows updated identification of the Vikingos marketer and importer

Have on the website of the Vikingos marketer and importer the Terms and Conditions that allow the User/Consumer to have clear and detailed information before placing their order.
Comercializadora e importadora Vikingos undertakes to inform the User/Consumer about the gross price, the total price and the delivery conditions.
Comercializadora e importadora Vikingos undertakes to inform its customers of the authorized payment methods and possible additional charges for each product.
Present through our sales advisors clear and updated information about our products as well as providing a related image.
Comercializadora e importadora Vikingos is committed to complying with the law corresponding to the processing of personal data entered into our web platform.
Allow our Users/Consumers to have a telephone number and email in which they can communicate with the marketer and importer more directly.
Vikingos marketer and importer agrees to the User/Consumer to deliver the invoice physically or digitally once the purchase has been made (No product is authorized to leave our physical point without authorization)
Deliver to the User/Consumer an invoice either electronically (with all the data and documents necessary for its preparation) or post-sale invoice.

The User/Consumer has the Contact Center where they can send us all questions related to products, purchases and shipments.
The User/Consumer acknowledges and accepts that the processing of the PQRs by the Vikingos marketer and importer does not imply that it is the producer and/or supplier of the products and/or services exhibited, offered, and marketed by the Business Partners through from our website.

Comercializadora e importadora vikingos may temporarily or permanently block the User/Consumer account on the website in the event that any of the following events occurs:
Failure to comply with Colombian law.
Failure to comply with any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
If the User/Consumer engages in conduct to the detriment of the marketer in importer Vikingos
If it could not corroborate the identity of the User/Consumer or any information provided by it is erroneous.
Likewise, Vikingos Distributor and Importer can cancel any order that is generated in the midst of a possible fraud event. Vikingos will carry out the corresponding verifications and will cancel the order without prior notice to the User/Consumer. In the event that any of the situations described in this section occurs, Vikingos undertakes to collaborate with the corresponding authorities, and, upon a court order, reserves the right to perform a forensic analysis on the User's devices/ Consumer

The User/Consumer undertakes to defend and hold harmless the Distributor and importer Vikingos for any event resulting from the unauthorized use of our website by the User/Consumer, or any breach of these Terms and Conditions.


All shipments made by the Vikingos trading and importing company are supported by different transportation companies and are made only in Colombian territory.
Once your product is shipped, you will receive a notification via telephone or email registered at the time of purchase.

The delivery time for all products purchased through our virtual store ranges from 5 to 10 days for delivery, which will be counted from the date of approval of the transaction or payment method.
The delivery of the products will be governed by the regulations of the transporter selected for shipment from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., in case of NO find the recipient the package will enter the process of forwarding and may take up to 3 additional business days.
For orders placed on weekends or holidays, the delivery time will be extended by 1 or 2 extra business days.

Orders will be shipped only on business days, which are classified as Monday through Friday, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Colombian national holidays.
All deliveries will be accompanied by an acknowledgment of receipt called dispatch order. Shipping costs will not be refunded if an order is claimed at any point of sale.
Delivery times are subject to road restrictions assigned by the Ministry of Transport and this may affect the extension of delivery times.
We reserve the right to cancel your order if it is reported as fraudulent on the payment gateway platform.
For any concerns, questions, about purchases in our virtual store, contact the email or phone 3117410100.

In the Viking marketer and importer we have 3 payment methods enabled so that you can pay for your orders.
Credit or debit card
At Vikingos we accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express cards.
PSE - Online Payments
If you want to make your payment from a savings account you can make the payment through PSE quickly and safely.

Keep in mind that all payments made by these payment platforms must be verified by the Vikingos marketer and importer, once it is confirmed we will proceed with the shipping process.

The User/Consumer has the possibility of choosing the preferred reimbursement method, so that any return that must be made through the Vikingos marketer and importer will be made to the reimbursement method that the User/Consumer selects.
In the event that the User/Consumer has not chosen the preferred refund method, the refund will be made automatically to the payment method of the order being returned. The refund methods you can choose from are:
Bank account: Any purchase within Vikingos that has a refund will be made to the bank account that the User/Consumer registered at the time of selecting this refund method. The transfer will be reflected within the following three (3) business days.
Payment method: Any purchase within Vikingos that has a return will be made to the payment method selected by the User/Consumer in the order that is the object of compensation and/or return. The adjustment will be reflected within the following thirty (30) business days in the payment method of the User/Consumer.
Vikingos reserves the right to modify the above without prior notice to the User/Consumer.

The User/Consumer acknowledges and accepts that the process of the guarantee of the product and/or service acquired through the website of the distributor and importer Vikingos must be carried out directly before the respective Commercial Associate, who acts as producer/supplier of the products and/or services mentioned.
It is important to mention that the guarantee is informed by our commercial associate at the time of making the purchase and this must contain as support the purchase invoice and the guarantee of the selected brand in case it is needed.

In the event that the User/Consumer wishes to exercise the right of withdrawal regarding a product and/or service purchased through our website, the User/Consumer must bring the sales invoice directly to the Associate's business establishment. Commercial or make use of the following email: or through our line 3117410100, in cases where it is appropriate and enforceable as established in article 47 of Law 1480 of 2011.

The prices of the products and/or services displayed on the Vikingos website are set by authorized Vikingos personnel... When, due to errors of a technological nature, erroneous prices of the products and/or services marketed by the Commercial associates are displayed Through the page, in order to protect the consumer's right to receive accurate and sufficient information, Vikingos may cancel orders based on said products and/or services, which will be informed to the User/Consumer.

Vikingos guarantees the availability or the time of operation of the web page. In case of instability or major technical problems thereof, vikingos will responsibly inform the User/Consumer about the problems presented.

Physical store hours
8:00 am
6:00 pm

8:00 am
6:00 pm

8:00 am
6:00 pm

8:00 am
6:00 pm

8:00 am
6:00 pm

8:00 am
6:00 pm

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the applicable law in the Republic of Colombia.


Vikingos recognizes and protects the basic rights of children in accordance with the precepts established in principle 5 of the Global Compact, in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in the International Bill of Human Rights of the United Nations and in the established norms by the International Labor Organization (ILO) on child labor.
In this case, Vikingos tends to protect children's rights and will be governed by the following principles:
• Comply with the minimum age provisions established in the company's personnel selection process.
• Implement adequate and reliable mechanisms to verify the hiring age (citizenship card or password).
• Maintain accurate and up-to-date worker records.
• Best efforts will be used to fulfill the purposes of this policy. In the event of a case where a breach of the same is verified, immediately withdraw from work minors who have not reached the legal age to work with the accompaniment that this implies.
• Include contractual clauses for subcontractors, suppliers and other commercial partners that imply firm commitments for the eradication of child labor.

Vikingos may independently and at any time modify formal, procedural or substantial aspects of these Terms and Conditions of use of the website, which will be updated and made available to Users/Consumers immediately upon modification.